Can I change in my Alaska airlines flight bookings?

Can I cancel my Alaska Airlines flight? Can I get a refund for my Alaska Airlines flight?

Yes, you can! Under Alaska Airlines’ 24-hour cancellation policy, you can cancel your flights within 24 hours of purchase for a full refund. You can cancel your flights online, just by visiting the manage reservation page. Depending on your fare, there may be a fee to change or cancel your reservation. If a fee does apply, it is $125 (USD) per person, per change, in addition to any difference in fare.

Can I change my Alaska Airlines booking?

Yes! According to Alaska Airlines’ 24 hour cancellation policy, if you need to change your flights, you can do so one time without paying any change fees.


To be eligible for online changes outside of the 24 hour cancellation period, your purchased reservation must:

  • Contain travel that is solely within the US, Canada, and Mexico.

  • Contain no more than 8 air segments.

  • Have been issued at, the Alaska Airlines reservation call center, or an Alaska ticket counter.

  • Contain no more than 6 passengers in the reservation.

  • Not contain a Saver fare

  • Not contain a government fare.

  • Not be a partner award issued by an Alaska Airlines reservation call center or Alaska ticket counter

  • Not be more than 13 months from the date of purchase

  • Not be part of a group or vacation package booking


If your reservation is not eligible for online changes, please contact the Alaska Airlines reservations customer service team at 1-800-252-7522. (Dial 711 for relay services).


How can I make changes to my Alaska Airlines booking?

If you'd like to adjust your Alaska Airlines flight, you have a few different options:

Can I change the name of my Alaska Airlines booking?

Although Alaska Airlines does not allow for name changes, they do allow you to cancel your flight for a fee of $125, by which you will receive full credit for your travel reservation in your account. With this credit, you may list it as a voucher for Alaska Airlines . Alternatively, you may list a few ‘ghost’ flights supported by Alaska Airlines with the most common dates and travel destinations. In those listings, you may clarify that the listing is in fact, a voucher, and that you are able to purchase a flight for someone interested as long as it is supported by Alaska Airlines and is within the credit you have received. Listing ‘ghost’ flights will increase your chances of your voucher being recognized by potential buyers.

How Can I change Alaska airlines flights